Joe Rudemiller & Tasha Stapleton, 3CDC

Presented By

Joe Rudemiller, VP of Marketing & Communications

Joe Rudemiller joined 3CDC as a Communications Officer in 2014. He began overseeing the non-profit real estate developer’s communications efforts in 2016 and became the organization’s Vice President of Marketing & Communications in 2019. In this role, Rudemiller leads communications-related activities pertaining to 3CDC’s real estate development work, as well as the overall promotion of Downtown Cincinnati. His responsibilities include media relations and oversight of all corporate communications – including email marketing campaigns, grant applications, and tenant marketing support, as well as managing 3CDC’s website and the websites of each of its five subsidiaries.

Prior to joining 3CDC, Rudemiller spent seven years as a Human Resources Communications Consultant. He received his Bachelor of Science in Journalism from Ohio University.

Tasha Stapleton, Director of Sales & Sponsorships

Tasha Stapleton joined 3CDC in 2016 as Senior Manager of Sponsorship and Advertising. In 2022, she was promoted to Director of Sales and Sponsorships. In this role, she is responsible for leading the fundraising strategies for Fountain Square, Washington Park, Memorial Hall, Ziegler Park, Court Street Plaza and Imagination Alley. These contributions are sourced through individual donations, corporate sponsorships and traditional advertising.

Though a native of Cincinnati, prior to joining 3CDC, Stapleton spent 12 years in various leadership roles at a travel media company based in Miami, Florida, where she led cruise revenue and international sales while traveling in the Caribbean, Mexico, and Europe.

Stapleton received her Bachelor of Science in Business Marketing from Miami University.

LOCATION: Continental Room

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