Rotary Do Days

Rotary Do Days is a large-scale, community-wide service day in Greater Cincinnati, intended to become an annual event with thousands of volunteers impacting hundreds of area non-profits.

The Rotary Club of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Cares, Tristate companies, and select area non-profits will be partnering with volunteers who want to engage in meaningful service activities. In 2022, the goal is 20 projects.

SAVE THE DATES:  Rotary Do Days will be held on October 21-22, 2022, in locations selected by area non-profits for the work they need to be done.

The Rotary Club of Cincinnati’s mission is “Providing Selfless Service in the Community and the World Through Involved and Engaged Members.”  Rotary Do Days is being developed to help continue this mission.

Click HERE for the Rotary Do Days Project Application form.